[coming soon]

Hotkey Revealer

Don't just show a Hotkey-combo....
Reveal it's purpose!

Hotkey Revealer

windows software [coming soon]– $10
Demo Available

Why Visualize Shortcuts?

Creatives, hobbyists, and professionals often share videos of their tips, tricks, and tutorials for all kinds of computer software, usually with the goal of explaining, teaching, or inspiring others that are learning & working with the same software.

Keyboard Shortcuts are essential to a smooth workflow for any app.

The basic key-display apps available today show what keys are pressed, but they fail to show why a hotkey was activated.

Introducing: Hotkey Revealer

Hotkey Revealer is a utility that displays user-defined keyboard shortcuts, their key combinations, and their functions,whenever they are activated.

When many shortcuts are being used rapidly, viewers can get confused, or worse yet, the presenter may have to stop themselves in order to explain a hotkey's function, taking away from the main focus of their content.

Especially in an educational context, having instant, useable, and specific information about when & why each shortcut is activated would be useful to both presenter and viewer.

Fine-Tune Your Look & Feel

The full version includes a full theme editor. Adjust color timings and other settings, too!

Tailor the display to fit your stream, or just your vibe, with custom theming.

  • Adjust font family & size for both lines independently.
  • Customize the different colors for the activation timeline.
  • Choose to have icons ( ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ ⇥ ⏎ ⇪ ⌘ ) over text for select keys.
  • Quality of life window settings & more!

Create & Browse Hotkey Lists and Themes

Visit the Hotkey Revealer Community Hub to create, edit, and share Hotkey Lists and Themes, with plenty of starting points to browse through.


Inspired by the .ahk script Taran Van Hemert adopted to display premiere shortcuts in his videos, I wanted to create a tool for Ableton Live hotkeys so viewers have less reason to ask why the interface is wildly shifting around during sessions (something common with people in-tune with their software).

Hotkey Revealer was built with software-based tutorials, live streaming, and other content creation in mind. The goal is to enable viewers to see real-time information about the keyboard shortcuts being used, without the presenter needing to veer off-topic in order to explain their actions when in a "flow".

Links and Downloads:

Project on Github